Archive for July, 2020

Republican Leadership Failure 1

July 31, 2020

Millions of Americans
are about to starve and get evicted.
Moscow Mitch’s Senate is going on vacation.

Republicans’ refusal
to accept science has now killed
150,000 people and counting

take perverse pleasure
in making people suffer

when ignorant people
vote Republican
shit happens

Trump’s Leadership Failure 14

July 31, 2020

America has an incompetent, racist
President and a Senate full of cowards
who enable him

on Bunker Boy’s negligent watch
America’s economy
just took a thirty-three percent hit

Trump’s Leadership Failure 13

July 29, 2020

Senate Covid bill
puts a corkscrew into
America’s heart

by pulling U.S. Troops
out of Germany, Bounty Boy
proves he’s Putin’s bitch

Trump’s Leadership Failure 12

July 28, 2020

Trump’s Covid Failure
has killed a population the size of
Kansas City, Kansas

Trump’s Covid Failure
a plane crashing into a train crashing into a bus
running over a pedestrian

Trump’s Leadership Failure 11

July 27, 2020

Trump and Pompeo
worst President and Secretary of State
in U.S. history

willful negligence
Bunker Boy ignored, denied and lied about

Trump and his entire
Cabinet; worst
in U.S. History

Trump’s Leadership Failure 10

July 26, 2020

Democrats passed Covid benefit extensions
in May; if you can’t eat or get evicted
blame Trump and his Republican enablers

Bunker Boy’s shell game: he can’t manage a real crisis (Covid-19)
so he makes up a fake crisis (violent crime in cities)
and pretends to manage it

Trump’s Leadership Failure 9

July 24, 2020

Trump ignores Covid
tries to start wars with China
and Portland instead

Covid victims
die alone just like
Trump’s brother Fred

Trump tries to juke us
from his Covid failtrain with
fake violent crime

Defeat Republicans

July 24, 2020

Just because you have
a wife and daughters does not
make you a decent man

Republican men
use wives and daughters as shields
for misogyny

Trump’s Leadership Failure 8

July 22, 2020

if Trump was replaced
by the Mafia no one
would even notice

Trump supporters have
either sold their souls or had
none to begin with

Trump brags about passing a cognitive test where the hardest question is count back from 100 by 7 and the answer is 93.

Decolonizing Medicine

July 22, 2020

“Mind the Gap – decolonizing – dermatology”; Props to Malone Mukwende