Archive for November, 2019

Senryu/Haiku Duet, Let Us Give Thanks

November 30, 2019

Thanksgiving prayer: life
itself and everyone who
has impacted it

don’t just be thankful
one day of the year keep the
gratitude flowing

Senryu/Haiku Trilogy, Dump Trump 17

November 26, 2019

do Republicans
lack critical thinking and
problem solving skills?

cagey spy Putin
keeps naive Trump wrapped around
his trigger finger

critical thinking
and Trump supporting are just

Senryu/Haiku Duet, Dump Trump 16

November 25, 2019

desperate to cling
to power, Republicans
prop up a puppet

racists and bigots
foam at the mouth when Trump holds
a campaign rally

Senryu/Haiku Duet, Dump Trump 15

November 24, 2019

Trump’s crimes get whitewashed
by Republicans who lie
as much as he does

Trump’s tweets spew out an
infuriating smog of
hate, lies and bullshit

Senryu/Haiku Duet, Dump Trump 14

November 22, 2019

Trump’s ego risked the
entire Rule of Law of
the United States

all Republicans
have a choice: either protect
Trump or tell the truth

Senryu/Haiku Trilogy, Dump Trump 13

November 20, 2019

Stephen Miller is
Trump’s senior, right wing, nut job,
racist adviser

detention cages
for children; separating
children from parents

Trump’s nut jobs hover
in plain sight ready to spew
racist invective

Senryu/Haiku Duet, Dump Trump 12

November 19, 2019

distinguished career
diplomat destroyed by Trump
and Giuliani

Ambassador gets rubbed out
bt Trump and hiz thugz

Senryu/Haiku Duet, Dump Trump 11

November 14, 2019

if you betray
your allies to their enemies
you are a traitor

Trump’s primary goal
is to act in his best interests, not the
nation’s best interests

Senryu/Haiku, Age Is Not A Construct

November 6, 2019

as we get older
we keep bumping up against
our human limits

Senryu/Haiku Duet, Dump Trump 10

November 5, 2019

who’s more scary, Trump
or the racist xenophobes
who still support him?

never before has
such an obvious traitor
been in the White House