Archive for April, 2020

Senryu/Haiku Duet, Dump Trump 104

April 29, 2020

five-star asshole Pence
refused to wear a face mask
in a hospital

like their goose-stepping
predecessors, Trump foamers
love a demagogue

Senryu/Haiku Trilogy, Dump Trump 103

April 28, 2020

history will judge
Trump’s pandemic response as
an abject failure

Trump’s enablers
accessories to sixty thousand
negligent homicides

Trump’s American war zone
if you go outside
invisible snipers will kill you

Dump Trump 102

April 26, 2020

Thanks to Trump and his former dog breeder virus task force leader,
over 50,000 Americans
have suffocated needlessly

bowling alleys, nail salons,
tattoo parlors, pool halls,
live free and die, America

Senryu/Haiku, Dump Trump 101

April 26, 2020

old school harmonies
to help us get through Trump’s botched
pandemic response

Senryu/Haiku Trilogy, Dump Trump 100

April 26, 2020

reopening without
contact tracking and testing
will be suicide

plutocrats use dark
money to divide and conquer
the middle class

the body count from
Trump’s ignorance is now
over fifty thousand

Senryu/Haiku Duet, Dump Trump 99

April 25, 2020

Trump’s biggest lie yet
disinfectant injections
kill Covid-19

Trump recommends bleach
smoothies and disinfectant
speedballs, don’t try them–and-his-administration-scrambles-to-stop-people-from-injecting-disinfectants/2020/04/24/77759238-8644-11ea-a3eb-e9fc93160703_story.html#comments-wrapper

Senryu/Haiku Duet, Dump Trump 98

April 24, 2020

Heckuva choice, Trumpie!
former labradoodle breeder
led U.S. virus response

Trump’s Covid-19
debacle is making a
mountain of corpses

Senryu/Haiku Trilogy, Dump Trump 97

April 24, 2020

without aggressive
testing Trump’s base of racist
geezers will be dead

Trump’s three legged stool
plutocrats, white supremacists,

What is Trump made of?
Misinformation, falsehoods,
contradictions, lies.

Dump Trump 96

April 22, 2020

Trump’s consistent strategies:
white supremacy,
handouts for the rich,
environmental destruction

Trump makes America
a shit hole country with a
corrupt leader

Trump and Republicans
say ‘To hell with experts,
facts, truth and science’

almost a million
new cases since Trump said Covid
was under control

Senryu/Haiku Duet, Dump Trump 95

April 20, 2020

despite pandemic warnings
Trump shipped millions of face masks
to China in February

Trump’s own Commerce Department
caused the face mask shortage for
U.S. doctors and nurses